Çinli Huawei geliyor ….

Huawei 50 milyon dolar yatıracak 500 Türk mühendise iş verecek.


Çinli Huawei, dünyadaki 15’inci Ar-Ge merkezini İstanbul’da açtı. 3 yılda hedef 50 milyon dolar yatırım yapmak ve 500 mühendise iş yaratmak.

Her yıl, gelirlerinin yüzde 10’undan fazlasını Ar-Ge’ye yatıran, ABD, Almanya, Çin, Hindistan ve İsveç’te Ar-Ge ve inovasyon merkezleri bulunan Huawei, 15’inci Ar-Ge merkezini İstanbul Ümraniye’de açtı. Türkiye’ye 2002’de gelen ve 500’ün üzerinde çalışanı bulunan Huawei, 3 yıl içinde 350’si Ar-Ge Merkezi’nde olmak üzere 500 Türk mühendise iş imkanı sağlamayı planlıyor.

Bölgesel merkez olacak
Huawei Global Başkan Yardımcısı Jiang Yafei, “ Türkiye’deki Ar-Ge Merkezi ile güçlü ve yenilikçi bir takım olacağız ve telekomünikasyon sektörünün başarılı geleceği için birlikte büyüyeceğiz. Operatör, müşteri ve kurumsal projeler odaklı çalışan 350’den fazla Türk Ar-Ge mühendis ekibinin oluşturulması için 50 milyon doların üzerinde yatırım yapacağız ” dedi.

Huawei Türkiye Ar-Ge Merkezi’nde yerel ve uluslararası pazarların telekomünikasyon ihtiyaçlarına yönelik ileri teknoloji ürün ve hizmetlerin geliştirilmesi amaçlanıyor. Bunlar arasında, katma değerli servisler, ücretlendirme ve faturalandırma, çağrı merkezi ve müşteri ilişkileri yönetimi gibi ürün ve hizmetler yer alıyor. Ar-Ge merkezi ayrıca, Türkiye, Avrupa ve BDT’yi kapsayan Bölgesel Ar-Ge Müdürlüğü olacak. Huawei, 1988’de Çin’de kuruldu. Dünya genelinde 95 binin üzerinde çalışanı var. 100’den fazla ülkede en büyük 50 operatörün 45’ine hizmet veren şirketin 2009 gelirleri 21.5 milyar dolar oldu. http://haber.gazetevatan.com / 27 Şubat 2010


Power supply solution

Focusing on energy saving and emission reduction, Huawei provides two power supply solutions: the diesel generator-battery hybrid solution and native energy solution, aiming to meet the power requirement in the regions the mains supply is unavailable or unstable. In addition, the two solutions reduce the OPEX, and increase the return rate of investment.


D.G.-battery Hybrid Power Solution (Power 1000)

In this solution, the core control unit controls the diesel generator and the battery working in an native mode intelligently. The diesel generator charges the battery when providing the power supply to the site, as increasing its load capability. After the charging is finished, the battery starts to provide the power to the site, and the diesel generator stops. The native working mode between the diesel generator and the battery reduces the operation time and fuel consumption of the diesel generator. In addition, it reduces the cost of the diesel generator refueling and maintenance.


Saving more than 50% of the fuel consumption and the cost of the refueling and maintenance.

For a newly built site, the initial investment is the same with the traditional two-diesel-generator.

For a ing site, the investment is returned within two years.

For this solution, Huawei provides deep cycle batteries with long service life, which increase the ratio of the investment return.

Hybrid power solution can prolong the service life of the diesel generator.


Alternative Energy Solution (Power 2000)

The native energy solutions consist of the solar power solution, solar-diesel generator hybrid power solution, solar-wind hybrid power solution, and solar-wind-diesel generator hybrid power solution. They are flexibly configured according to customers needs and local climates. These solutions support various application scenarios, lower the TCO, and meet the requirements of energy saving and emission reduction. These solutions are applied in more than 1500 sites in over 30 countries and regions at present.


Solar Power Solution

As a mature technology and environment-friendly power solution, it meets the requirements for convenient maintenance, high reliability, and little influence on the environment. Because of the reduction of power consumption and the cost of solar panels, the improvement of solar conversion efficiency, and using of Huawei MPPT controller, over 60% of the operation cost for a single site, and over 40% of the footprint requirement are reduced, compared with those in 2007. Large-scale application of the solution is mature.

According to different requirements, the solar power supply system developed by Huawei has various anti-theft strategies to enhance the anti-theft performance at the site.


Solar-wind Hybrid Power Solution

The solar-wind hybrid power supply system uses two renewable green energies, namely solar energy and wind energy, to supply stable and reliable power to the site. The system provides the site with a reliable 24-hour power supply in both sunny days and rainy days by implementing the solar energy and wind energy, thus enhancing the system stability. This solution features with light maintenance, complementary resources, high reliability, and little influence on the environment.


Solar-diesel generator Hybrid Power Solution

The solar-diesel generator hybrid power solution provides the power to the site by complementing the solar energy and diesel generator. It eliminates the risk of the solar power solution caused by rainy days or the fluctuation of the sunshine duration in different period. Therefore, the solution is supplementary to the solar power solution. Meantime, the solar-diesel generator hybrid power solution aims to reduce the initial cost, and achieve the best investment return through optimized configuration of the diesel generator and the solar panel. For the site with the diesel generator, the solution is applied by using the previous diesel generator, thus greatly reducing the fuel and maintenance cost for the diesel generator. www.huawei.com



